Plan a visit to the Garden

Route to the Garden
AL. POKOJU 68, 31-580 KRAKÓW Aleja Pokoju 68 (In GPS it is better to type al. Pokoju 67 – address of CH M1)
Exact geographical coordinates : WGS84: Lat: 50.068866, Lng: 19.996882 DMS: N: 50° 04′ 06″, E: 19° 59′ 48″ GPS: N: 50° 4.110720′ , E: 19° 59.811300′

Public transport
TRAMWAY LINE 1, 14, 22
Directions to the M1 Aleja Pokoju stop then cross the street towards the aviators park and head right about 30 m.
Stanisław Lem Experimental Garden
al. Pokoju 68, 31-580 Kraków
12 428 66 00 ext. 648 or 655
Reservation and information
Open Tuesday through Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
12 428 66 00 ext. 11
Media contact
Edyta Gajewska
515 410 489
Exhibition / event
Ticket type

1. Touring the Garden is about sensory experience – visitors can (and should) touch the installations and have the opportunity to experience physical and natural phenomena with different senses. By playing and conducting experiments independently, everyone can enrich their knowledge of the world around us. Each device is accompanied by brief instructions and a description of the phenomenon presented (in Polish and English). The exhibition is designed for children and adults. We have many attractive spots for relaxation surrounded by nature.
2. There is no need to book tickets.
You are welcome at any time and for any length of time during opening hours. When visiting for the first time, we recommend planning at least a two-hour stay in the Garden. Experimenting with each of the 100 or so devices takes about 1.5 – 2 hours or more.
3. On arrival at the Garden, please go to the ticket counter, indicate the number of participants (children under 7, students, adults), and the type of tickets and services you would like. Should you require a VAT invoice, please have your invoicing details ready.
4. The following are forbidden in the Garden area:
– animals expect guide dogs, and
– bicycles/scooters/rollerblades
· Holders of the Krakow Family Card or the Krakow Family Card with a Disabled Child are entitled to a 50% discount on tickets,
· Krakow Card holders are entitled to a 20% discount on tickets,
· Big Family Card holders are entitled to a 20% discount on full-price and discounted tickets.
· Holders of ID cards of anti-communist opposition activists and people repressed for political reasons, journalists with a press pass, and city guides (ticket price: PLN 1).
1. Purchased tickets are valid for 30 days from the date indicated on the ticket.
2. Refunds for purchased tickets and services are not applicable.
Zwiedzający Ogród mogą skorzystać z oferty gastronomicznej.
Dowiedz się więcej: KLIK
How to get here

AL. POKOJU 68, 31-580 KRAKÓW Aleja Pokoju 68 (In GPS it is better to type al. Pokoju 67 – address of CH M1)
Exact geographical coordinates : WGS84: Lat: 50.068866, Lng: 19.996882 DMS: N: 50° 04′ 06″, E: 19° 59′ 48″ GPS: N: 50° 4.110720′ , E: 19° 59.811300′
Public transport
TRAMWAY LINE 1, 14, 22
Directions to the M1 Aleja Pokoju stop then cross the street towards the aviators park and head right about 30 m.
Price list
Exhibition / event
Stanisław Lem Experimental Garden
al. Pokoju 68, 31-580 Kraków
12 428 66 00 ext. 648 or 655
Reservation and information
Open Tuesday through Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
12 428 66 00 ext. 11
Media contact
Edyta Gajewska
515 410 489
1. Touring the Garden is about sensory experience – visitors can (and should) touch the installations and have the opportunity to experience physical and natural phenomena with different senses. By playing and conducting experiments independently, everyone can enrich their knowledge of the world around us. Each device is accompanied by brief instructions and a description of the phenomenon presented (in Polish and English). The exhibition is designed for children and adults. We have many attractive spots for relaxation surrounded by nature.
2. There is no need to book tickets.
You are welcome at any time and for any length of time during opening hours. When visiting for the first time, we recommend planning at least a two-hour stay in the Garden. Experimenting with each of the 100 or so devices takes about 1.5 – 2 hours or more.
3. On arrival at the Garden, please go to the ticket counter, indicate the number of participants (children under 7, students, adults), and the type of tickets and services you would like. Should you require a VAT invoice, please have your invoicing details ready.
4. The following are forbidden in the Garden area:
– animals expect guide dogs, and
– bicycles/scooters/rollerblades
· Holders of the Krakow Family Card or the Krakow Family Card with a Disabled Child are entitled to a 50% discount on tickets,
· Krakow Card holders are entitled to a 20% discount on tickets,
· Big Family Card holders are entitled to a 20% discount on full-price and discounted tickets.
· Holders of ID cards of anti-communist opposition activists and people repressed for political reasons, journalists with a press pass, and city guides (ticket price: PLN 1).
1. Purchased tickets are valid for 30 days from the date indicated on the ticket.
2. Refunds for purchased tickets and services are not applicable.
Zwiedzający Ogród mogą skorzystać z oferty gastronomicznej.
Dowiedz się więcej: KLIK